Art by these amazing creators:

Background Maps - Dovekie Studios

Character Art - Online Tabletop

What is simplyRPG for?

Playing online

simplyRPG provides a virtual tabletop (VTT) for placing (custom) character tokens, importing battlemaps, playing music, and more. Try combining it with your favorite video chat service to run your online games. The best part, only the game master (GM) needs to be on simplyRPG! Just head on over to the "simplyRPG" tab to create your encounter. When it's ready, click "launch player view" and share your screen to show your players their latest amazing encounter!

Playing in person

simplyRPG is designed to display your encounter in two seperate browser tabs: one for players and one for GMs. The player view hides many of the options and buttons that are only useful for the GM, and allows for a professional interface where the encounter is full-screen. Try casting the Player View to a TV or other convenient device, while running the encounter from the GM View. If their screen supports touch, players can even move their own tokens, measure distances, and draw on the map!

Playing by post

simplyRPG has built-in "save" and "load" buttons which allow you to setup encounters ahead of time and return to them later. Try screen-capturing the map and sending it to your players. When all their moves are in, you can import your save file and get right back in it for the encounter's next round!