Yes! simplyRPG is completely free. We don't require a subscription, use ads, or limit features to paying users. If you're a regular user and would like to support the site, check out our Support the Site page.

Yes! We're working on an official offline version, but for now there's a simple work-around. As long as you have an internet connection when you load the "simplyRPG" and "Player View" webpages, they will continue to work if you lose your internet connection. So, load those pages ahead of time and leave the tabs open!

The encounter map is resized dynamically based on the size of the browser window. It always maintains an aspect ratio of 16:9, which is a common aspect ratio for TVs, computer monitors, and cell phones. If you want to avoid margins around your map, crop it to a 16:9 aspect ratio before uploading to simplyRPG.

Yes! The "Player View" for every encounter is designed to occupy the entire window by default. If your window is full screen, the encounter should be as well. However, if the amount of space available to simplyRPG is not in a 16:9 aspect ratio, there will be some margins. A common cause of this is the browser's toolbar occupying real estate at the top of the screen. This toolbar can be hidden. For example, in Google Chrome, View > Always show toolbar in fullscreen.

Yes, switch to the "Move" canvas interaction mode and hold down the "alt" key (on Windows) or "option" key (on Mac) to rotate a token.

simplyRPG is tested with .jpg and .png files for character tokens, custom tokens, and background images. Other types of image files may work, but we offer no guarantees.

simplyRPG works with .m4a, .mp3, or .mp4 music files.

This is your browser doing it's job to keep your data safe. When you import a folder containing music, the website has access to all of the data it contains. A malicious website may be after your data for harmful reasons. For simplyRPG, we need access to these music files to play them in the browser. Since simplyRPG is a front-end only website, the files never actually leave your device, they are simply imported into the browser.

If you're the type to use an abundance of caution (we don't blame you!), you can copy the music that you would like to use with simplyRPG to a seperate file. When you import this copy, simplyRPG can only access the data within and cannot touch the original files.

When you save an encounter with simplyRPG, your browser downloads a .ttrpg file. This file can typically be found in your "Downloads" folder. The .ttprg file extension is for a custom file type which works only with simplyRPG.